Friday, June 10, 2011

You're in the right place still!

Times are a changin' here!  We started this blog back in April 2010 to document our journey to bring Cadence home from China.  She's been home now for 9 months (!) and if feels like she's always been a part of our family.  Yes, it's challenging at times (those closest to me know just how challenging!) but I look at her everyday and wonder how we got so lucky to have this amazing little girl join our family.   She has truly completed it!  I figured that I would stop blogging after she was home, but I have found that I really enjoy it.  I like to look back and relive some of the highlights of my life.  Maybe someone out there in the blogging community gets something out of it too. 

So, I've decided to keep up with it, but we are shifting gears a bit.  If you've been reading (or know me!) you know that we have recently built a new home and moved to 24 acres.  Brad is constructing a barn (or doing something with all of the wood sitting in pile out there) and we recently acquired 11 chickens.  We hope to get a goat or two once the barn is up and then we'll be on our way to being a real farm!  Right?!  We have a lot to learn so just as I stalked read lots of adoption blogs way back when,  I'll now be stalking learning from your farming blog if you have one! 
Sierra getting one into the coop

Laurel seeming a bit more adept at it!

Cadence kept her distance to check them out

Chickens checking it out

These are the two things we found in the box when we took the chickens out.  We are assuming they are only responsible for the egg!

1 comment:

  1. How fun! We had goats in the past, and they are a lot of fun. Tip! Only have females!! Males are messy, stink and you will have more goats than you every dreamed if they are not neutered! We really enjoyed all of ours, but would not have males again.
