Wednesday, February 2, 2011

She said it!

Mama! What a beautiful, amazing, humbling word. From the day that she had her lip repaired, actually had the "hardware" to make a "m" sound, she's been murmuring the letters. Mamamamamamama. Maaaamaaaa. Mama. But she never looked at me or called out to me with it, just buzzed around the house with lots of m's and a's following her. Since we came home in September we always look at pictures and say "Where is Mama? Where is Cece?..." Sometimes she points to the right person, sometimes not. We know that she knows us. But boy, wouldn't it be nice for a just a little direct recognition? Mama's hold their babies when they cry (I've done this!), stay up all night with the restless one in their arms (yep, many nights!), and spend countless hours making sure their kiddos are clean, fed, and happy (um, right here!). This is the moment all Mama's wait for... their baby to say their name.

After working all night I went to my parents to pick Cadence up today. As I walked in the door she came around the corner, squealing with delight and ran into my arms! I picked her up and smothered her with kisses as she giggled. My mom came into the room and said to Cadence "Whose got you?". I swear that Cadence tucked her chin, looked up coyly at me and said "Mama". Ahhhh.... My heart is full!


  1. :) like magic to your ears! i cried the first time i heard it...

  2. Precious! Now the words will start's amazing how fast their little minds and palates start working! Get ready with your listening's a joyful noise!!

  3. Hey this is Tara Blessing (from the adoption trip last Sept.)! I was just catching up on your blog and enjoying your writings. It warms my heart to hear how your daughter is doing. God bless!

  4. Yay! Yay! Yay!!!

    Sweet! Love this post! Aren't we blessed God chose us to be called "Momma"??

  5. Oh I Love it!! What a magical moment:)
